We’re going back to September 2015, and I want to ease you into this knowledge, so take a breath, center yourself: that was nine years ago. I don’t get it either but apparently it’s true?
JR Ward is on the cover, and there’s all kinds of good stuff inside! Come with us to visit some reviews that are word salad, and some that made me say, a few times, “Way harsh, Tai. Way harsh.”
Music: Purple-planet.com
Thank you to our sponsor for this week’s episode: HelloFresh!
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Here are the books we discuss in this podcast:
We also mentioned The Romantic Times Index, which has some visuals of what the RT website used to look like!
And! For our $5 and $10 Patrons: Wednesday, the 11th of September, 8pm E, 7pm C, I’m going to be co-hosting a ZOOM crafts gathering with Agatha from She Wore Black!
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What did you think of today’s episode? Got ideas? Suggestions? You can talk to us on the blog entries for the podcast or talk to us on Facebook if that’s where you hang out online. You can email us at [email protected] or you can call and leave us a message at our Google voice number: 201-371-3272. Please don’t forget to give us a name and where you’re calling from so we can work your message into an upcoming podcast.
Thanks for listening!
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This podcast transcript was handcrafted with meticulous skill by Garlic Knitter. Many thanks.