The Best of the Literary Internet, Every Day

TODAY: In 1998, journalist and author Dorothy West dies.
- Steve Paul remembers Evan S. Connell, a quiet giant of American literature. | Lit Hub Biography
- “Our kindergarten teachers were right: it’s show and tell.” Jessica Anthony on the art of fictional time. | Lit Hub Craft
- Emma Golden considers literary translations on the American Ballet Theater’s summer stage. | Lit Hub Art
- Jo Hamya’s The Hypocrite, Yoko Ogawa’s Mina’s Matchbox, and Richard J. Evans’ Hitler’s People all feature among the best reviewed books of the week. | Book Marks
- Get ready to experience the predatory, menacing bite of…a shrew? | Lit Hub Science
- Lindsey Drager on impermanence on finding your way into the story you want to tell. | Lit Hub Craft
- “He let the fire burn down to embers, let the dark envelop him, and stood.” Read from Peter Heller’s novel, Burn. | Lit Hub Fiction
- “I work at my own pace, when I want, how I want, and however I please.” Anne Serre on writing, place, and living alone. | The Paris Review
- Oonagh Stransky on translating Erminia Dell’Oro’s Abandonment. | Asymptote
- The influence of governesses on Victorian English literature. | JSTOR Daily
- “I think there’s a reason why there’s not a bunch of leftist art on the radio.” Noname talks to Christopher Soto about poetry, rap, and Black radical literature. | Los Angeles Times
- On the pitfalls of writing chronically online. | The Baffler
- The age-old question of if it’s cool to read at a bar might have an answer. | Eater
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