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Book Review: ‘Red Scare,’ by Clay Risen

RED SCARE: Blacklists, McCarthyism, and the Making of Modern America, by Clay Risen

When the end came for Joe McCarthy, it was Edward R. Murrow who delivered the knockout blow. On his CBS program “See It Now,” Murrow ran damning footage of the red-baiting Wisconsin senator, who appeared hectoring and disheveled to viewers. Murrow proclaimed that McCarthy’s “primary achievement has been in confusing the public mind.” The senator’s reputation never recovered from Murrow’s nationally televised exposé.

But Murrow also recognized that his moment’s dangers ran deeper than one man. He urged Americans to accept their own culpability in the tragedy of McCarthyism. McCarthy “didn’t create this situation of fear,” Murrow said, “he merely exploited it.” The broadcaster quoted Shakespeare to drive home his point: “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.”

There may be no better diagnosis for our own Trump-era predicament, and revisiting the Red Scare reveals a great deal about how we ended up here. As Clay Risen’s meaty and powerfully relevant new book, “Red Scare,” makes clear, our own times are ringing with echoes of the clamorous battles of mid-20th-century McCarthyism.

Risen, a reporter at The New York Times who has written a history of Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders, among other books, coyly insists that he is “not concerned with drawing parallels between the past and the present” and desires to “leave it up to the reader to find those as they will.” But this is disingenuous. In his 400-some pages Risen touches on anti-fascism, white supremacy, campus activism, anti-elitism, cancel culture, virtue signaling, doxxing, book bans, election interference, anti-immigrant racism, F.B.I. overreach, conspiracy thinking, antisemitism, the surveillance state, anti-colonialism, the Koch family and America First-style ultranationalism. To suggest all this amounts simply to a Rorschach test for his readers stretches credulity.

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