Welcome back to Cover Awe! This is where we discuss coves that we like or think are interesting.
Sarah: I think this cover is so cute.
The color scheme really works for me. I know from Lara’s review that the vibes of the cover do not match the story, but I still love the artwork.
Amanda: It’s a very romantic color palette.
Sneezy: I agree! I really enjoy this illustrative style!
Cover art by Austin Drake of Bottle Cap Creative
Sarah: Taking the “comic” cover literally.
I’m not sure how I feel about this cover, but I am intrigued by designers trying something very new, and very vintage at the same time.
Amanda: I really like these covers, probably because they are so distinct but also give a nod to classic clinches.
Sneezy: Awww, the vintage comic style is so cute! I like what the artist did with their lines!
Cover design and photography by Juliana Kolesova
Amanda: I really like the warm colors of this one and the inclusion of movement/wind
Sarah: I have ponytail questions (as in, no ponytail I have ever worn has stood off my head like that. Is there a pipe cleaner in there?) but I agree. The colors are gorgeous.
Sneezy: I really enjoy the splash of water accentuating the movement in the cover and extending the flow of the text. Love a good swoosh!