Welcome back to Cover Snark!
From Thibeault: No words needed.
Sarah: I’m not sure what the penis – sorry, problem is here. Looks phallic, I mean, fine to me.
Elyse: It looks like something the cat does in the litter box that leads to an expensive vet visit.
Sarah: After eating the plastic Easter grass, yeah.
From Susie T: 1. At what point does the towel fall off? They keep placing pants and towels so low…
2. There are better ways to paste a hockey stick.
Sarah: I didn’t realize we were at the “cut and paste the hockey stick anywhere it’s fine” phase of hockey romance.
Elyse: It reminds me of Clippy. A hockey stick just pops out of nowhere. Were you trying to write a hockey romance?
From Jen: They look like they are posing for Dancing With the Stars to me. Also I don’t think these two posed together, looks like they were photoshopped beside each other. Just way too much going on with this cover. And is that a motorcycle wheel growing from her? So confused.
Sarah: For ye shall use the cut and the paste, the drop shadow and the outer glow, but most of all the feather and dissolve! How else will people know this book is a motorcycle cat wolf shifter dance off. With people who have blue hair.
Amanda: This feels like an I Spy collage with all the weird little things I keep finding.
From Elizabeth S: OMG – remember that old show with Linda Hamilton (Beauty and the Beast). This cover is like flashback/retro.
Sarah: Please be aware that I am taking this cover snark VERY PERSONALLY.
OMG poor Vincent. That show imprinted on my soul at a young age (I was DISTRAUGHT when Linda Hamilton’s character was killed off, spoilers for a show from 1989)
I can see what this cover is going for, and I am so uncomfortable.
Elyse: He went from the sewer to outer space.
Shana: Tween me would never have predicted Vincent being reincarnated as a lion in space.