Help A Bitch Out

This HaBO is from G, who wants to find this paranormal romance:
Hi! Not sure if you’re the right people to ask (I found you through the “what was that book called” tag on reddit), but I’m getting kinda desperate and can’t seem to remember anything apart from scarce details.
It‘s been ages since I’ve read this book, but I think it was a not-yet-complete series cause I cannot for the life of me remember the ending. The plot as I recall it is something like human heroine is forced by the vampire clan leader to stay with them WITH REASON (like, her safety/something strange happened and she’s in the middle and might be less human than what she appears kinda thing). The only fact I’m sure of is that during the first part of the book (or the whole first book if it’s a series) she’s locked in the room of a vampire mated couple (M+F) and they’re her emotional anchor (I VIVIDLY remember a couple of spicy scenes – involving mostly foreplay and not the full act – between the three of them. One or both of them might even drink from her, not sure). The couple might be the seconds-in-command of the clan leader (main love interest) or somewhat high in the hierarchy. My mind is suggesting that a mystical book or something similar might be involved but who knows (?). I think it is either a contemporary romance or a futuristic romance/urban fantasy.
Let’s HaBO!
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