Help A Bitch Out

This HaBO is from Christine, who wants to find this book based on sample she read:
I downloaded a sample of this book within the last few years and I lost track of it… but I’m still thinking about it!
The story is set in a pre-industrial world, but I’m not sure if it was Western European-ish or from parts further east. I don’t know if there are fantasy/paranormal elements. There’s an arranged marriage, I’m pretty sure.
I think one of the main characters is starting out on a journey on horseback to go to his (?) spouse-to-be’s country. The other main character (female character?) is leading some kind of charge to attack the traveling party, for reasons. (I assume she’s against the arranged marriage/alliance.) When the sample ended, her group was about to race down a steep slope to overwhelm the caravan making its way along a mountain trail…
I might have lots of the details wrong, but I remember the charging-down-a-mountainside thing vividly. I’d love to find out what happens next!
I’m invested in this one!
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