Goooood morning! It’s a slow content day so that means afternoon links has turned into a little morning treat. Might I suggest giving it a read over tea or coffee and maybe your favorite pastry.
Also breaking news! I’m tired of it being hot. I am longing for fall or, dare I even say it, winter. I want to nest in my blankets or take a steamy bath without worrying about passing out. I also break out so much more in the summer, despite doing my best to be consistent in cleansing my shiny, sweaty face.
Thanks for letting me rant and complain! Hopefully some of y’all are in the same boat and I am with you in sweaty solidarity.
Sarah: Australians, have you yearned for a site which lets you search for a book and gives you results from local independent bookstores? Here you go!
Author Yulin Kuang is in The Cut, talking about how to write a good sex scene. This may be behind a paywall, depending on how many free articles you have left. I also wonder if this would make a good site discussion: what do you look for in a good sex scene? Let me know if you think it’s worth a post!
Italapas posted this in the SBTB Patreon Discord! Bitcherton has launched on Kickstarter and it’s an improv comedy podcast with a Jane Austen inspired setting. It has a few days left to go and as of writing this, is only a few thousand off from its goal.
Quick question! Have you met Howie Duwett?
Don’t forget to share what cool or interesting things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!