The Best of the Literary Internet, Every Day

TODAY: In 1892, Walt Whitman dies.
- “Somewhere beneath the bugle blast, the beer bloat, the crush of bodies, I was part of something.” Kyle Seibel on attending the Gathering of the Kyles (in Kyle, Texas). | Lit Hub Memoir
- “I am talking, of course, about #Scandoval, a word that I, a lowly lifestyle journalist and nascent author, invented on Saturday, March 4, 2023.” Hannah Selinger on coining the perfect portmanteau. | Lit Hub TV
- Jeanne Carstensen explores the human tragedy of the refugee crisis and the devastating impact of Europe’s militarized borders. | Lit Hub Politics
- Aaron Boehmer traces a history of underground presses and political dissent in America. | Lit Hub History
- Leah Sottile chronicles the rise of Amy Carlson’s New Age internet cult: “Years later, she would refer to the internet rabbit holes she was falling down as ‘downloads’ of information that she was receiving, which all pointed toward her being the living embodiment of Earth.” | Lit Hub Religion
- Giaae Kwon meditates on what fandom and K-pop have taught her about her Korean-American identity. | Lit Hub Music
- Natalie Hammond offers tips for modeling your wardrobe after David Bowie. | Lit Hub Style
- “I remember that night. The party was in a ballroom, a magnificent rented room—Le Fin de Siècle—and I was supposed to wear a costume.” Read from Lynne Tillman’s story collection, Thrilled to Death. | Lit Hub Fiction
- Laura Miller examines the staying power of Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business. | Slate
- “This brings the total number of journalists that Israel has killed in Gaza over the past year and a half to 206.” Remembering Palestinian journalist Hossam Shabat. | Democracy Now!
- Jamie Quatro considers the art of Blair Hobbs (and Flannery O’Connor on her hundredth birthday). | The Paris Review
- “The book became in a way this imaginative field for me. Like a horizon of possibility.” Grace Byron talks to Jamie Hood about Hood’s book Trauma Plot, and flipping the confessional memoir on its head. | The Cut
- Joyelle McSweeney digs into the first English-language translation of Tove Ditlevsen’s poetry. | Poetry
- How Mary Ellen Solt’s poetry asks readers to “think of language as a multidimensional tool of communication and politics.” | The Nation
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