When I was a child, I remember looking longingly at the beautiful packages under Christmas trees. I didn’t care what was in the packages; I loved the wrapping. When I became an adult, Pinterest turned this longing into more of an obsession. I never thought my packages could be that beautiful until I discovered what I now believe is THE secret to how they’re wrapped. What’s the secret? You never see the tape on those packages. How? Double-sided tape!
A few years ago, I was wrapping selections for a Valentine Blind Date Book Exchange for my local indie bookstore The Snail on the Wall. The owner handed me two kinds of tape, the regular Scotch tape (you know the one with the green plaid packaging) that I was used to and then she handed me another kind: Double-sided Scotch tape (this one is a yellow plaid). I had never seen this before. Previously when I went to the store to purchase tape, my eyes just skimmed over all the options looking for that green plaid.
I experimented with the double-sided tape, putting it on the inside of the paper where it wouldn’t show. And it slowly dawned on me that this was maybe a way that I could accomplish my dream of achieving those beautifully wrapped packages. By the time I wrapped those 45+ books, I was sold. The following Christmas, I wrapped all of my Christmas packages using double-sided tape and was never prouder of the presents under my tree. And now, I do not wrap presents without my double-sided tape.
But double-sided tape is not just for wrapping presents. Five years ago, I bought a large number of envelopes, not the press-and-seal kind. Recently, licking envelopes has made me very uncomfortable. Double-sided tape has come in very handy while I work through this batch. (Side note: another option is to dip a small piece of paper towel in a little water to moisten the edge. It works brilliantly.)
I’m constantly finding new ways to use double-sided tape. Every couple of years, I create a physical vision board. Yes, I create one on Pinterest—but I still like the tactile experience of flipping through magazines, finding vibrant images that resonate, cutting them out and organizing them onto a poster board. The easiest way to attach them to the board is with double-sided tape.
I even use double-sided tape to reclose packages. I often get frustrated when the enclosed tabs on certain boxes (bandaids and pasta) don’t hold. The answer: double-sided tape! I even use tape instead of twist ties. I love the cleaner look the tape provides and I don’t have to use those bulky clips. I have re-closed food packages (like bags of chips) and other products (cotton balls) with double-sided tape.
I will never be without double-sided tape. I added it to my Amazon Subscribe and Save in November knowing I will be able to wrap my Christmas presents in the way that I have always wanted—thanks to double-sided tape.
Do you have a favorite kind of tape? Any present-wrapping tips? Please share in the comments.
P.S. Check out our team’s Raving Fans series.
About the author

Shannan Malone is the MMD Cohost and Contributor. Her go-to genre depends on her mood! You can find Shannan on Instagram @shannanenjoyslife.