HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I’m just going to take it easy today and read, and post some reader questions, so if you’re bored, this will fix it. 😉
PJ is our star reader questioner ’cause she sent us THREE questions. I’ll post them in 3 posts, so hopefully we can figure these out.
She asks:
Looking for a book.
Its a woman that is pursued by someone and has these incredible panic attacks where she is freezing. She can only get warm in the bathtub or with the man that ends up helping/ protecting her.
I remember there was a farm and either she lived there or her family member did.
I know that’s not alot to go on, but it’s all I remember. If you could help that would be great
I have 2 others I will send to you that I am also trying to locate.
Happy New Year!
Anyone have a guess?
Maryse: The only one that comes to mind for me is one of my FAVORITES!! I love books with reclusive characters and this one I really connected with (but I don’t think it’s the one, ’cause she was in the city and living in an apartment if I remember correctly). But I’ll throw it out there in case this is your jam, too. Is it… “Pull Me Close” by Sidney Halston. P.S. (here’s my 4.5 star review)
Pull Me Close: The Panic Series by Sidney Halston
“…After having an anxiety attack and passing out during my sister’s engagement party at Panic, I wake up in the arms of the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. Nick Moreno’s no gentleman. But he might just be the man I need to help me take control of my life.”
Leslie M: Maryse, (and anyone else who has read Pull Me Close) I am FREAKING out! I seriously have anxiety. I dont like what is happening at end. Somebody come snuggle with me while I finish this!!!
Jean: Leslie, I freaking loved Pull Me Close! Hang in there….all worth it!
Dory: Just finished Pull Me Close. I’m still processing it, it was intense. I really loved it, maybe because I hate elevators too, I related.
Liz: PULL ME CLOSE. Be still my heart. I won’t say anything else! But read it. You will not regret it.
Maryse: I LOVED this one!! Here’s my 4.5 STAR review.
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➔➔➔ Browse more reader questions (solved & unsolved) here. 😀 Maybe you’ll find a solved one to read or have a guess for us for one that’s still unsolved.
Have a reader question for us to solve? Send it to me here.
➔➔➔ Love this trope? Browse more characters with mental health conditions features and reviews on my blog. 😀