And here’s the third book that PJ is looking for. Ohhh I LOVE a book about cults and being stuck in one. Since this is only the first chapter of the book, I have no idea what the premise is, but it sounds like my thing!
She asks:
Looking for a book.
This last one was a yellow cover book. I remember it was around 2004 or 2005 that I read the first couple of pages and was intrigued, but the book belonged to a patient that visited my practice and she took it with her.
It was a young girl, like in her late teens that was running away from home. She was hitchhiking and stumbled upon a cult like group in the woods. They went after her with s knife and I can’t remember if they killed her or not. But that was the first half or full chapter.
I read nothing else from there. Any help would be appreciated. I have been looking for this book for years.
I was dying to know what happened to the girl and it’s been awful to not know what the book was.
Thank you!
Happy new year!
Anyone have a guess?
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