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Reader Question – The book where she’s pregnant and he’s framed to look like he’s cheating (and he moves on with others after the split)…

Reader Question - The book where she's pregnant and he's framed to look like he's cheating (and he moves on with others after the split)...Rachel needs our book help! Ohhhhh this one is gonna anger many ’cause it’s going to be hard for a reconciliation/second chance romance considering the other women (even if it was after the fact. BUT!! There’s an interesting twist. 😉

She asks:


I’ve been looking for a book and here are some of the details:

MMC is framed to make it look like he cheated. The FMC gets photos of this alleged cheating. They split up and MMC sleeps with others.

FMC is pregnant and has baby. The MMC almost misses the birth, or does because he is sleeping with someone else.

Odd fact I remember, MMC would only have anal with other women after split. I think there is a neighbor who gets close to FMC and helps her with the baby. I think the alleged cheating ends up being with FMC’s long lost sister, and it may have been MMC’s brother or friend that set him up.


Anyone have a guess?

Reader Question - The book where she's pregnant and he's framed to look like he's cheating (and he moves on with others after the split)...

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Reader Question - The book where she's pregnant and he's framed to look like he's cheating (and he moves on with others after the split)...

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Reader Question - The book where she's pregnant and he's framed to look like he's cheating (and he moves on with others after the split)...

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