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Reader Question – The book where the extrovert sister kept stealing the introvert sister’s boyfriends…

Reader Question - The book where the extrovert sister kept stealing the introvert sister's boyfriends...Thombi needs our book help! This sister sounds absolutely hideous!!!!!! ROAR!! Oh and also, the men in her life sound hideous, too, while I’m at it.

Wow. Just… wow. This one sounds SO crazy that I’m wondering if it’s one of those pay-per-chapter books but either way, I MUST FIND OUT!! GASP!!! 😮

She asks:

Help finding a novel. I have been looking for it since 2014. It’s the reason I fell in love with reading.

Okay, so the one was kind of like a extrovert but likes what her introvert sister has.

She got her sister’s boyfriend and married him and had to kids with him, twins, and divorced him later on.

Then fell in love with her sister boyfriend who was her movie director then got involved in an accident that lead the introvert sister to have an abortion so that she could donate her kidney. Then introvert sister found out about the affair the sister had with her director boyfriend and broke it off. The boyfriend Director’s name was Lud.

The introvert sister fell in love with a doctor who always loved her, his name was Dominic.

One of the twin’s name was Joanna. I remember they were raised by their grandparents who seemed to favour the extrovert twin.

Anyone have a guess?

Reader Question - The book where the extrovert sister kept stealing the introvert sister's boyfriends...

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Reader Question - The book where the extrovert sister kept stealing the introvert sister's boyfriends...

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Reader Question - The book where the extrovert sister kept stealing the introvert sister's boyfriends...

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