Happy Saturday and welcome to Whatcha Reading! Here’s how we’ve been kicking of August:
Lara: I’m finally reading new-to-me books again! I read the truly bonkers Dark Restraint by Katee Robert and now I’m wading through A Werewolf’s Guide to Seducing a Vampire. ( A | BN | K | AB ) I thought this one would have more bite to it than the others in the series, but we’ve lapsed into tweeness, alas. It had such promise as the vampire succubus is an assassin. And it started strong! But then… now it’s a slog through the last few chapters.
I think it was flchen1 (Hi!!) who posted about Blood of a Gladiator ( A | BN | K | AB ) in the comments a week or so ago, but I inhaled that book. Ashley Gardner aka Jennifer Ashley writes great mysteries with very slow connections and growing emotional depth between the characters, and this book was excellent. It got me through some insomnia (perimenopause can fuck right off) and I found myself thinking about it constantly while I wasn’t reading but hadn’t finished – a sign that it’s grabbed my brain in a good way. I really liked the historical details, the length of time it took to walk everywhere in ancient Rome, and the glimpses of character history for the leads, Leonidas and Cassia.
Elyse: I’m about a quarter of the way into Quicksilver. ( A ) There is a lot of fae romance out there thanks to ACOTAR that’s basically just ACOTAR, but this one is unique and I’m enjoying the world building and magic system.
Maya: I’m listening to the audiobook of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab. It’s pretty great so far, but I’m not sure I agree with the description the library had that called it a “darkly romantic fantasy.”
Shana: I almost finished Out of Office by A.H. Cunningham and it’s so good. It’s a vacation romances set in Panamá and it’s totally inspired me to plan a visit.
Whatcha reading? Let us know in the comments!
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